Visibility Conditions Dictionary

I am not hitting on the keyword(s) to try and find the different options available to cause visibility regions to display. I know there are several but can only think of a few currently. Those are separated on individual lines below so as not to cause unnecessary confusion with enclosing them in single or double […]

Print letter from VFE form

I have seen previous answers several years ago but thought I would ask in case anyone has new information. I would like to print a letter from a VFE form, perhaps by a button press. Has anyone figured out how to do this for a letter? I have it working for a handout but like […]

VFE Visability

Hello, I’m finding a strange bug in the VFE Visability statement below. {OBSNOW(“PRIMEMD#1″) >= “10″} For some reason the obsnow value of >=10 and >=11 do not work. When I replace that with any value from 1 to 9 it works fine, and 12 and up works fine. I’m using the statement to trigger a […]

We recently learned that Bounce Software will be sunsetted soon. Besides Visual Form Editor (VFE) from Logical Innovations and Clinical Forge, is any one aware of any forms development software that can be used with AthenaPractice?   Is anyone doing any HTML Forms Development for use with AthenaPractice and if so, what forms development software […]

Visibility Region Options

Not sure how to ask this question but I’ll try. I have a visibility region that contains a listbox. One of the items in the listbox triggers another visibility region (this one with an edit field). Example, 1st listbox is A,B,C. Second visibility region is triggered if ‘C’ is selected in the first visibility region. […]

What are the affects of using global or local variables in a custom VFE form but never declaring them “global” or “local”.   Example 1: problist = getfield(PROBS_AFTER(“delimited”,”|”, “”)   Example 2: for a=1, a<= size(problist), a=a+1 …..   shouldn’t each of these explicitly declared like this ? global problist = arrary() problist = getfield(PROBS_AFTER(“delimited”,”|”, “”) […]

I’m trying to display the first obs term values (oldest date) documented in an encounter, and don’t really know where to start as none of the existing symbols seem to fit what I need. Say I have an encounter with fields connected to 5 obs terms: TERM1 TERM2 TERM3 TERM4 TERM5 I want to display only the […]

Sharing the attached VFE template for data entry of  outreach activity. I have also included the Crystal Report I run to work with this. The report keys on either the CDC or OTH C19 lab value being ‘positive’ or ‘detected’, or the c19 Prsum Pt having any entry. The idea is to ultimately have an […]

Associate an Order Number to an Obs term

I’m looking for a way to associate an order number to an obs term in VFE.  Currently I have a function that will give me the Order Description, Order Start date and Order Number of all active orders in a drop down.  I am limiting the drop down to allow one selection on the VFE […]

Greetings, We are hiring for a Software Engineer position at our organization. Primary duties: Centricity content development and integration work. Chicago, IL-based candidates and full-time remote candidates are being considered for this position. Job posting: If you are interested in being part of an innovative, collaborative team working together to improve the health of vulnerable […]

I’m trying to perform a calculation that includes a square root.  I’m not sure this is possible with MEL, but before giving up I’m posting it here for the experts.   I’m trying to calculate the Fibrosis-4 score which requires this calculation: FIB-4 = (Age x AST)/(Platelet x Squareroot(ALT)) If I want to see it […]

I’ve been working with VFE for several years now. I’ve been tasked to develop a MU Stage 3 Checklist form. I have a request to make an action button disappear after it is clicked and prints the handout. The button has the following functions: {PRINTHANDOUT(“Handouts\Company\Client Specific\Client\Patient Portal Instructions”)} {OBSNOW(“PATPORTALPIN”,”Portal Access Instructions Given”)} After the button is […]

Clear Orders Module

Good Morning! In VFE, is there a way to program a function that will remove test orders that are already added to the orders module? My gut tells me no because I have searched both help in EMR and VFE, but I figured why not ask the experts? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

I’m trying to get an orders button to show in a visibility region only if the answer to a question is yes. I’ve gotten to understand visibility regions tied to document variables well enough (not great, but well enough for the time being). I’ve searched and can’t find anything about tying it to an OBS […]

Visibility Region based on Age and Sex

I’m trying to have a form display (everything is in a single visibility region at this point, and that’s fine) only for females between the ages of 12 – 65. I’ve been successful with it when I have only the age criteria as shown below: (patient._ageinmonths > 244 AND patient._ageinmonths < 781) I haven’t tried […]

LEC & MDQ Templates

We have a new LCSW starting at our practice soon and she has asked for two templates that we do not currently use. Does anyone use (and is willing to share VFE template) the LEC (Life Events Checklist) & MDQ (Mood Disorder Questionnaire)? Thank you- Ashley Corbean GMA

Listbox- store index in list

Hello all, Enabling “Store index in list” in a list box, saves index of selected value in a global variable. Is there a way to get back the selected value from this global index. VFE docs say Store index in list will take the choice selected and save the index number of that value in […]


I am attempting to add a section into an already made form. I created the section, but I cannot add anything to it.   I am dragging  a check box into the section, and it always ends up either above or below. What am I missing?

Set OBS Terms upon Form Open

I am trying to set a couple of specific OBS Terms when a form is opened. I’m trying to learn about Watcher Expressions and/or Functions a bit more as I suspect one of these will be the way to go. I thought that, in order to do either, you simply wrote it in the right-hand […]

Special Characters Text Translation

I have text that in Form View looks correct, however when it is views in Text View, it has some added characters. Any thoughts as to how to correct this? See below for sample – with added characters underlined by me here – not in either view. It seems to dislike special characters. I’ve searched […]

Listbox Border

I have a situation where I need to combine a listbox with some checkboxes. The checkboxes have visibility regions that rely on them. I tried first just using one listbox but things didn’t look/display as we desired with the visibility regions needed. Anyhow, I’m looking for a way to remove the border from the listbox. […]

Two text fields with a hard return

I have two different visibility regions that produce text boxes given specific conditions. Those work fine. My question is in regards to the text that is produced in the Chart Note. I would like to have them displayed as two different paragraphs. Currently, it looks like this: Text field one – visible when condition is […]

Visibility Region on Edit Field

Can anyone assist me in getting a visibility region to show only if there is text entered into the previous edit field?   The problem is this: I have an edit field named “Other”. I want a second edit field to show if anything is entered into the first edit field. I came across some […]

I have this code which I placed in VFE’s function view. It is supposed to add an order to read a TB test, but only if that order does not already exist in the current update (I don’t want the order to duplicate). After some very thorough troubleshooting I can confirm the match(ORDERS_NEW(“List”), “TB/TST Read”) […]

Where to place sort in my function

I have a function that is creating a comma separated list of service providers. It’s calling organization name and phone number, and I don’t know where to place my sort code to alphabetize the list. I’ve tried many places and the below is the only one that seems to not break the drop down list […]

I am using a function called ServProvs() in the function view of VFE which is calling parts of the Service Provider table. When I create a Dropdown list (and check-mark Dynamic choice list), and enter ServProvs() at the bottom in the MEL Expression box I cannot get the drop down to work after import. What […]

I am using ORDERS_NEW(“delimited”) to display orders within a custom VFE form but am seeing strange results.     The orders are being added with custom buttons within a VFE form and have been confirmed that the modifiers are correctly associated with the order by reviewing the Orders Module. This strange behavior is only being […]

Arranging Visibility Regions

Does anyone have any tips on arranging visibility regions? For example I have a form where I have 4 edit fields on the same horizontal row. I only want the 2nd edit field to have the visibility region. How can I accomplish this?

Commit button duplicating obs terms

Hi! I know this is a very easy question, I really appreciate in advanced your help! I have a commit button to record obs term: OBSNOW(“PAP SMEAR”, DOCUMENT.LP_RESPAP, str(DOCUMENT.LP_DATEPAP)) but if the user clicks several times that button I will have the obs term saved several times on the same visit, is there a way […]

When developing a VFE form, is the function name Case Sensitive?      If the function definition looks like: fn this_IS_my_FUNCTION(){ do something   return (results)} Will calling the function with various permutations of case result in the function being called and executed correctly? x = this_is_my_function() y = THIS_IS_MY_FUNCTION() z= this_IS_my_FUNCTION()   Will x, y and z […]

VFE Opposing lists

When I did my VFE training several years ago, I swear there was an option to have two list boxes in opposition to each other, where if you clicked Yes on the first No would be selected on the other. I have them linked with the opposing list option in the form, but it doesn’t […]

Calculate average in VFE

We have a form that we can log BP readings that patients recorded at home.  We want to know what the average BP is so I have 7 values for systolic and 7 values for diastolic.  Most of the time there will be 7 values so the code will run smoothly.  However, I need it […]

I created a dynamic list box that will display incomplete Test Orders, and the list box is blank unless I also have a data display in the form.  I’m confused.  The data display I added contains {ORDERS_AFTER(“delimited”)}.  That’s it.  No translation or anything extra.  And, the list box is populated by the below function, but doesn’t […]

VFE IF/THEN/ELSE Question/Brain Fart

I’ve done this dozens of times in different forms but can’t seem to get it to work properly in my new form. With my previous ones, I was only looking at the field to have ANY value so it was always >”” This one needs to trigger on less than 3, but if the boxes […]

Button that pushes flag and text translation

I hope this can be done and someone can help me out. What I want to do is have button that pushes a flag to a desktop, which I have working. What I also want is when this same button is pushed it adds text translation to the note to basically indicate a .sign in […]

The Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center is seeking a Systems Analyst to join the Information Services team. The Systems Analyst is responsible for supporting application software, including but not limited to: software administration; development of forms and enhancements within system applications; building project management tools; providing operational support; and producing end-user friendly reports. Apply online […]

I have created a form with data displays and radio buttons. My goal is to get the radio button to auto populate the correct choice depending on the value in the data display. Example: Patients BMI- OBSNOW BMI is 28. I have a radio button (DOCUMENT.BMI) field with the choices of under 18.5, 18.5-24.99, 25 […]

VFE quirkiness

Hello all, Basic question; Does anyone have a tip for putting any item to the right of a visibility region? I’m trying to place an action button immediately to the right of a region but it always ends up inside it. Sorry if its a low bar question but after dragging and dropping so many […]

Does anyone know how after a “print handout” button is clicked, it will also make a check box checked, pushing text to the note? Both my button and check box work independently. Clicking the check box pushes text, but then when clicking the “print handout” button – the check box unchecks and the text disappears. […]

Help with Dynamic Choice List in VFE

I’m wanting to create a drop down with the choices being data pulled from obsterms. If I just put the obsterm in the mel expression box then that value is selectable in the drop down but it won’t work for additional ones. Is this possible?

VFE – Pull future obs onto form

Workflow: Provider starts encounter before patient arrives to enter an X-ray order if needed.  When patient arrives and is in the waiting room they fill out Patient Link forms which pull over a separate signed document with signed obs terms in it.   I need to pull in the obs terms with a “future” date […]

Hi, I am finding that our current immunizations VFE form is outdated and needs more work than we have time for! Additionally, and somewhat related to the form version, we are finding frequent errors in documentation of the vaccine series, VIS, NDC, etc – this is potentially a patient saftey concern, and is also wreaking […]

I am trying to get a visibility region to show “Matched” or “Unmatched” depending on the values of two data displays. The formulas I am using for the data displays are displaying correctly but I can’t get the “Matched” visibility region to populate even though the displays match. Any help?!?! Below are the codes I […]

I’m hoping to get some help returning the most recent obs value from 5 different obs terms into a VFE data display. so far I have been successful at creating an array and sorting it with the following code: {global surgDateArr= array(lastobsdate(“Surg Dx”),lastobsdate(“Surg Dx #1″),lastobsdate(“Surg Dx #2″),lastobsdate(“Surg Dx #3″),lastobsdate(“Surg Dx #4″)) sort(surgDateArr,FALSE)} In a data […]

Inserting into edit field with USERYESNO

Hi everyone! I’m having a bit of trouble getting this useryesno function to do exactly what I want. Basically, I want it to pull what was previously entered in a multi-line edit field, prompt the user to insert it or not, and if yes insert the previous string into the multi-line edit field along with […]

Hello, I am just about at my wits’ end with this form I’m trying to build. I’ve been creating a behavioral health questionnaire form using a list box to enter the answers, creating functions that put the document variables into arrays, then using COND to convert the strings of my document variables into numeric strings […]

VFE Check Box

We are attempting to add check box for a fall and cog assessment completed. Does any one have any ideas as to why when a nurse would check the boxes and place the document on hold, then when the provider opens the note the fall check mark is no longer there?? Thanks!!!

OK, we have a VFE form that we received from a third party and have been given permission to modify it as we need to and I have discovered a bug in their original design, but yet I cannot figure out why this bug is happening. Error: <-BAD VALUE OR BAD INDEX I have narrowed […]

Button to add next blank Obs

I’m not sure if what I’m thinking is possible but I’d love to hear some ideas if anyone has any. Right now I have a form with a bunch of action buttons for different kinds of DME products. When the button is pushed it adds a line of text into an multi line edit field […]

Strip obsterm units?

I have a form from a vendor that records breathing measurements and writes values to obsterms with various units attached (litre’s, % etc). I’ve created my own form and want to use those numbers for some calculations but I need to remove the units before it’ll work. What i’m guessing to be the best approach […]

VFE Will Not Pull ICD10 info into Form

I am a new VFE user and I’m using the tutorial to create an advanced form.  I encountered the following error message. The error occurred when I completed item #240 (select ICD10, typed Pharyngitis and pressed the search button.  When I click OK the dialog box goes away.  How do I fix the error? My […]

how to sort on certain array field

Is it possible to sort on a specific field of an array? I’m trying to do an alphabetized list of immunizations with dates, but this sort seems to be sorting on the first field, ImmunizationId, which doesn’t mean anything to the reader. Can I tell it to sort by the third field, VaccineGroupName, instead? local […]

Are you having difficulty getting all your custom forms developed and deployed?   Why not hire a VFE Forms Developer to assist with getting your forms done. I have over 26 years of software development experience with 17 years of Healthcare IT including HL7 interface development and various clinical systems support. The most recent 4+ […]


I am thinking of ways to refactor  the mel codes to make it more modular. eg – i use meds_after very often to get some subset of the data. Some forms might require getting just coumadin meds and some require just diabetes while other require all meds. Whatever I need it is always 2 getfield […]

We are starting to work on a policy for Opioid use/pain management contracts, etc. Does anyone have a pain contract, template or tools they are using to screen patients, or feedback they are willing to share? Thank you!

I’m working on a medication reconciliation form for the MAs do to at the start of an encounter. I want it set up like a chart so it lists all of the medications on their med lists and they can note whether the person is compliant or not and add comments. Ideally the names of […]

I am building a VFE form and when i import it into EMR, enter data on one of the fields it like flutters through the rest of the form. I cant make any changes until it gets to the last field. I am not sure if this has something to do with my suppression blocks. […]

Logged In User

Does anyone know of a data symbol or MEL code that will populate the name of the person currently logged in. I am wanting to pull that information into a data display. Thanks!

I am attempting to add a button to a VFE form that when pressed would insert a template for the users to follow and complete within another box on the same form. It is a social history template and we are moving away from the GE CCC version of the social history, but the users […]

Anyone have recommendations for an online intermediate VFE class starting in the next month or two? I’m not having any success registering with or receiving any communication with the site where I took my beginning VFE class this past fall. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!

I searched the forums for this but couldn’t find what I was looking for so I apologize if this is a repeated question. I am needing to pull the Primary insurance, primary insurance ID#, secondary insurance, secondary insurance id # into a custom built form into a data display.   I have thought about using […]

Calculation of Gestational Age

I am trying to create a simple calculation to calculate the gestational age of a patient from their LMP date. I have tried duration string and duration days but I am not sure I have the context correct. I am getting a 0 result when I use it. Any suggestions appreciated!!

Spacing between forms

I have two VFE forms that are separated in a note by CCC forms, however if those CCC forms are not filled in then these VFE forms end up back to back. What happens is the last line of the first form ends and the first line of the next form starts on that same […]

With the New Year, comes new projects and initiatives that you want to get done. Are finding that you don’t have the resources in-house to get your projects done?      If you are in need of a VFE developer to create or update any forms, handouts/letters and workflows within your CEMR or CPS system, please consider us […]